Family Support

The village Family Support Program provides support services so that families and communities are valued and supported to nurture children to achieve their full potential.

The Village Family Support Program provides a range of centre based support services to families, children, and young people.


The service has a prevention/early intervention focus and is available to all families in the community.

Current Programs

Village Kids

Every Wednesday morning from 9:30am-11am for children aged 0-5years, during school terms. No booking required, please bring a hat and your own morning tea. Singing, story-time and crafts/activities weekly. 

Cost: $10 annual membership + $10 playgroup fee per term. 



Play & Learn 

Every Wednesday from 11:30am-12:30pm for children under 15 months, during school term. Come and meet other mums/carers of little ones with an opportunity to learn the benefits of play for babies, while connecting, having fun and making friends. 

Cost: $10 annual membership + $10 playgroup fee per term. 



 This is an 8 week program for child (0-3yrs) to attend with their caregiver. It is an interactive parenting program which emphasises the importance of play and parent-child interaction. It aims to build competence and confidence in carers, building on each families existing strengths. 

Parenting Programs

Circle of Security – Parenting

This program aims to support parents through increasing sensitivity and responsiveness to their child’s signals, increase ability for self-reflection on their own and child’s behaviour, thoughts, and feelings regarding their interactions. 

The program also utilises reflection as a means to better understand parents own histories which may affect personal caregiving and attachment patterns. 


Girls with a Purpose

 This is a 2-day workshop that works on building self-esteem, confidence and acceptance in young girls (aged 12-15 years). The workshop recognises skills and purpose with individuals and encouraging growth. 

Youth Programs

Seasons for Growth

This is a program delivered at selected schools which teaches children to learn new skills to cope effectively with change and loss. It focuses on developing strengths in areas such as self esteem, managing feelings, problem solving, decision making, communication and building support networks. 

For more information

Contact Melissa on (07) 5529 8253


Contact Form:

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